Friday, November 13, 2015

Day -49: The O-List

I don't want this blog to be about things outside the reading plan, but a brief note here to explain the gap between the last post and this: my wife and I took in a 12-month-old a week and a half ago. We think we're winding down the transition phase, so the impact on my reading time will be less than it was.

My last list is what I am calling "off-list," meaning books that aren't on the Hugo or Appendix N lists. Of course, then I made a list and put them on it, so now they're on-list, so maybe I should call them "other." But I'm sticking to my original term.

My off-list list started small: large major works such as Ulysses that I've owned and intended on reading for years. The Armada. Cryptonomicon. But then I started thinking about other books. I'm reading the Realm of the Elderlings series, and planned to read one each year. (Instead, I read three of them in 15 weeks; part of why I'm writing this now is I wanted to take the third off the list before I posted. The Liveship Traders, the second trilogy in this world, is really, really good.) I'm still reading the Dragon Jousters. And then there are the Star Wars books: I started reading the X-Wing novels just before I started grad school, and I'm still going. So I just started adding books.

The list has ballooned, and now is ballooning almost for the sake of ballooning. The last book I added was Atlas Shrugged, because my wife says it's good and then John Scalzi said it was good so why not.

I still haven't added everything. I can see books from where I'm sitting now that are on my mental I-should-read-that list, but are not on the reading list. But I might add them.

The O-List stands at 20,252 pages. Right now, that makes it the smallest of the three lists. It will probably, by the end, be the largest of the three lists. It contains sci-fi tie-ins, the last book of a trilogy, the three books I need to read before I read a Hugo winner, books by my favorite authors, books that haven't been published yet, a book I want to read because I like a miniature based on it, a book that Paul Krugman and Brad DeLong recommended, and books that I bought when Borders was going out of business because they looked good.

Allston, Aaron            Solo Command
Anderson, Kevin        Tales from the Mos Eisley Cantina
Asimov, Isaac             Foundation
Asimov, Isaac             Foundation and Empire
Asimov, Isaac             Second Foundation
Banks, Iain M.            Use of Weapons
Bujold, Lois                Curse of Chalion
Coupland, Douglas     Eleanor Rigby
Evans, Erin                 Brimstone Angels
Follett, Ken                 World Without End
Hobb, Robin               Dragon Keeper
Hobb, Robin               Dragon Haven
Hobb, Robin               City of Dragons
Hobb, Robin               Blood of Dragons
Hobb, Robin               Fool's Errand
Hobb, Robin               Golden Fool
Hobb, Robin               Fool's Fate
Hornby, Nick              Juliet, Naked
Hornby, Nick              Shakespeare Wrote for Money
Hornby, Nick              More Baths, Less Talking
Joyce, James               Ulysses
Lackey, Mercedes      Aerie
Lovegrove, James      The Age of Ra
Mattingly, Garrett      The Armada
McCaffrey, Anne        Dragonflight
McKinney, Jack          The Masters' Gambit
McKinney, Jack          Before the Invid Storm
Morrison, Boyd          The Ark
Morrison, Boyd          Rogue Wave
Murakami, Haruki     Dance Dance Dance
Murakami, Ryu          Coin Locker Babies
Novik, Naomi              Crucible of Gold
Novik, Naomi              Blood of Tyrants
Novik, Naomi              League of Dragons
Perry, S.D.                   Avatar
Rand, Ayn                   Atlas Shrugged
Reeves-Stevens         The Fall of Terok Nor
Robinson, Kim           The Martians
Robinson, Kim           Years of Rice and Salt
Scalzi, John                 Lock In
Scalzi, John                 Old Man's War
Stackpole, Michael     Isard's Revenge
Steinberg, David        This Has All Been Wonderful
Stephenson, Neil       Cryptonomicon
Sykes, Sam                 The City Stained Red

Wyatt, James              Dragon War

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