Friday, October 30, 2015

Day -63: The N-List

The second list of books I will tackle is Appendix E, "Inspirational Reading," from the Dungeons & Dragons 5e Player's Handbook. I'm calling it Appendix N, though, because it's an expansion and update of Appendix N from the 1e Dungeon Master's Guide. The new appendix is superior for my purposes; not only does it add books that have come out in the last four decades, but it specifies particular works where Gary Gygax's original in some cases named only authors.
(I got this idea in part from a bunch of other bloggers who have already done this for Appendix N, such as Black Gate.)
The appendix, in many cases, mentions whole series, e.g. "The Sword of Shannara and the rest of the Shannara novels." For my list, I'm including only the first volume of a series; if I like it enough, I'll add the second volume when I finish the first. There are two exceptions: I'm throwing the entire Wheel of Time on the list right off, all 14 volumes, all 11,523 pages. And for the Discworld series, I'm putting the first volume of each subseries on the list (except the Watch subseries, because I read the first one this year, so it's the second), so four volumes on the list for now, with a potential 28 total.
I also, rather arbitrarily, discarded anything on the list that was a short story (such as A. Merritt's works) but left on short story collections (such as The Best of Leigh Brackett). I may change my mind later, but it won't affect the page count much.
And, of course, I'm leaving off anything I've already read, which will bite me when George R.R. Martin puts out The Winds of Winter, because I plan to reread A Feast for Crows and A Dance with Dragons when that comes out.
The Winds of Winter and A Dream of Spring (the remaining sequels to A Game of Thrones) and The Thousand and One (sequel to Throne of the Crescent Moon by Saladin Ahmed) are the only as-yet-unpublished works that I have put on the list to start with.
Here's the list to start with. Note I am not, unlike the Hugos list, including works I've already read.

Ahmed, Saladin
The Thousand and One
Anderson, Poul
Three Hearts and Three Lions
Anderson, Poul
The Broken Sword
Anderson, Poul
The High Crusade
Anthony, Piers
Split Infinity
Augusta, Lady Gregory
Gods and Fighting Men
Bear, Elizabeth
Range of Ghosts
Bellairs, John
The Face in the Frost
Brackett, Leigh
The Best of Leigh Brackett
Brackett, Leigh
The Long Tomorrow
Brackett, Leigh
The Sword of Rhiannon
Brown, Fredric
What Mad Universe
Burroughs, Edgar Rice
A Princess of Mars
Burroughs, Edgar Rice
At the Earth's Core
Burroughs, Edgar Rice
Pirates of Venus
Carter, Lin
Warrior of World's End
Cook, Glen
The Black Company
de Camp, L. Sprague
Lest Darkness Fall
de Camp, L. Sprague
The Fallible Fiend
Derleth and Lovecraft
Watchers out of Time
Dunsany, Lord
Lord Dunsany Compendium
Dunsany, Lord
The King of Elfland's Daughter
Farmer, Philip Jose
Maker of Universes
Fox, Gardner
Kothar and the Conjurer's Curse
Fox, Gardner
Kyrik and the Lost Queen
Froud, Brian and Alan Lee
Hodgson, William Hope
The Night Land
Howard, Robert
The Coming of Conan the Cimmerian
Jemisin, N.K.
The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms
Jemisin, N.K.
The Killing Moon
Jemisin, N.K.
The Shadowed Sun
Jordan, Robert
The Eye of the World
Jordan, Robert
The Great Hunt
Jordan, Robert
The Dragon Reborn
Jordan, Robert
The Shadow Rising
Jordan, Robert
The Fires of Heaven
Jordan, Robert
Lord of Chaos
Jordan, Robert
Crown of Swords
Jordan, Robert
The Path of Daggers
Jordan, Robert
Winter's Heart
Jordan, Robert
Crossroads of Twilight
Jordan, Robert
Knife of Dreams
Jordan, Robert
The Gathering Storm
Jordan, Robert
Towers of Midnight
Jordan, Robert
A Memory of Light
Kay, Guy Gavriel
King, Stephen
The Eyes of the Dragon
Lanier, Sterling
Hiero's Journey
Lanier, Sterling
The Unforsaken Hiero
Le Guin, Ursula
The Farthest Shore
Leiber, Fritz
Swords and Deviltry
Lovecraft, H.P.
The Dream Cycle
Lovecraft, H.P.
The Transition
Lovecraft, H.P.
The Best of
Lynch, Scott
The Lies of Locke Lamora
Martin, George R.R.
A Dream of Spring
Martin, George R.R.
The Winds of Winter
McKillip, Patricia
The Forgotten Beasts of Eld
Miéville, China
Perdido Street Station
Moorcock, Michael
Elric of Melniboné
Moorcock, Michael
The Jewel in the Skull
Norton, Andre
Witch World
Norton, Andre
Quag Keep
Offut, Andrew J.
Swords Against Darkness III
Peake, Mervyn
Titus Groan
Pratchett, Terry
Pratchett, Terry
The Colour of Magic
Pratchett, Terry
Men at Arms
Pratchett, Terry
Equal Rites
Pratt, Fletcher
Blue Star
Rothfuss, Patrick
The Name of the Wind
Saberhagen, Fred
The Broken Lands
Saberhagen, Fred
Changeling Earth
Sanderson, Brandon
Smith, Clark Ashton
The Return of the Sorcerer
St. Clair, Margaret
Change the Sky and Other Stories
St. Clair, Margaret
Sign of the Labrys
St. Clair, Margaret
The Shadow People
Tolkien, J.R.R.
The Silmarillion
Tolstoy, Nikolai
The Coming of the King
Vance, Jack
The Dying Earth
Vance, Jack
The Eyes of the Overworld
Wolfe, Gene
The Shadow of the Torturer
Zelazny, Roger
Nine Princes in Amber
Zelazny, Roger
Jack of Shadows

That's 85 distinct works, 35,000 pages. As I add sequels I figure it will grow to 75,000. 

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