Friday, October 23, 2015

Day -67: The H-List

The list of Hugo Award Winners for Best Novel is not the largest list in my reading plan; I suspect by the end of 2035 it will be the smallest, as it will grow only one book a year for 20 years, give or take. (A few years ago, two books won as a single work; and a different few years ago, the 14-volume Wheel of Time was nominated but did not win, but showed that the list could get really big.)

The Hugo winners list is where this idea for a 20-year reading plan came from. When I heard of Puppygate in mid-2015, one lesson I took from it was that there was this rich literature of current books worth arguing about, and I had no idea. I eventually watched the livestream of the Hugo Awards ceremony, skipping the sportsball game my team was playing.

For the purposes of my plan, I have divided the Hugo winners into three periods. The early period starts at the beginning. The middle period begins in 1984, with Startide Rising. I chose this for purely self-serving reasons: beginning in 1984, there is a five-year chunk where all the books are either books I've read or sequels to books I've read. In contrast, the winner in 1983, Foundation's Edge, was book four in a series I've read none of. The late period begins in 2013, which was the year Redshirts won; I had at that point read the first and last Hugo winners, and that amuses me, so that's where I drew that line.

It will not be enough to read one book per year from each list. I'm starting with two from the early period, and one each from the later periods; the early books are shorter, as you can see in this graph I made.

Also, I will read The Dispossessed in 2016, because Katie told me to.

Here is the list of Hugo winners, and it's the complete list. I have struck through the books I have already read, so they are not part of my list.

The Demolished Man
They'd Rather Be Right
Double Star
The Big Time
A Case of Conscience
Starship Troopers
A Canticle for Leibowitz
Stranger in a Strange Land
The Man in the High Castle
Way Station
The Wanderer
This Immortal
The Moon is a Harsh Mistress
Lord of Light
Stand on Zanzibar
The Left Hand of Darkness
To Your Scattered Bodies Go
The Gods Themselves
Rendezvous with Rama
The Dispossessed
The Forever War
Where Late the Sweet Birds Sang
The Fountains of Paradise
The Snow Queen
Downbelow Station
Foundation's Edge
Startide Rising
Ender's Game
Speaker for the Dead
The Uplift War
The Vor Game
A Fire Upon the Deep
Doomsday Book
Green Mars
Mirror Dance
The Diamond Age
Blue Mars
Forever Peace
To Say Nothing of the Dog
A Deepness in the Sky
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
American Gods
Paladin of Souls
Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell
Rainbow's End
The Yiddish Policeman's Union
The Graveyard Book
The Windup Girl
The City & the City
All Clear
Among Others
Ancillary Justice
The Three-Body Problem

Yes, that's right. I haven't read (insert your favorite Hugo winner here). But you probably haven't read the books I have either. Unless you're Katie.

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