Saturday, December 22, 2018

Month 38: I grok that this book did not hold up

Month 38 of 260 (14.62 percent)
Size of list: 88,552 pages (13.85 percent above start)
Pages read: 19,748 (22.3 percent)
H-list: 5,943/23,530 (25.26 percent)
N-list: 7,384/36,694 (20.12 percent)
O-list: 6,421/28,328 (22.67 percent)
Finished: Stranger in a Strange Land
Reading: The Best of H.P. Lovecraft (volume 3), Lord of Chaos

Stranger in a Strange Land is an acknowledged classic, a Hugo winner whose name is known beyond SF circles, mainly for the introduction of the word "grok." And it starts with an interesting concept — a human child, raised by Martians, a Tarzan of outer space — and then gets more interesting as it establishes that, as far as Earth law is concerned, he owns Mars. But then it all gets frittered away as Heinlein uses the Martian to establish a free love society based on a sort of telekinesis and lots of sex between everyone. Oh, and there's a key character who is super-rich for no apparent reason, and lots of monologues about how grokking and open sex have improved relationships. I wish Asimov had taken over a third of the way in. 

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