Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Month 14: Why must we wait?

Month 14 of 260 (5.38 percent)
Size of list: 82,256 pages (5.8 percent greater than starting size)
Pages read: 7,819 (9.51 percent)
H-list: 2,096/22,674 (9.24 percent)
N-list: 2,670/35,009 (7.39 percent)
O-list: 3,053/23,466 (13.01 percent)
Reading: Fool's Errand, The Big Time

This has been a terrible month for reading. I could list off reasons: a wave of sickness, having relatives visit for two of the last four weeks, continued work on the new house. Really, though, the reason is that I got a new console and have been playing an MMO. Video games are the enemy of reading.

My intention is to start each year (and each midyear) with a Wheel of Time volume until it's done. In this case, because I'm still plugging away at Fool's Errand, I restarted The Big Time on my phone, because it's short and it's a Hugo winner. I'm a little more than halfway through, and I kind of hate it, but I did just read a chapter that made for interesting concepts, but why did we have to wait until halfway through? Fool's Errand, too, introduced a twist two-thirds of the way through that introduces interesting concepts (or, actually, fleshes out a concept developed in an earlier book) that makes me wish it had come up earlier, to be explored more. (It's the first in a trilogy, so maybe it is being saved.)

Onward! To finish books!

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