Thursday, March 24, 2016

Month 3: For real now

Month 3 of 260 (1.15 percent)
Size of list: 79,430 pages (2 percent greater than starting size)
Pages read: 1,097 (1.38 percent)
H-list: 283/22,221 (1.27 percent)
N-list: 814/35,009 (2.33 percent)
O-list: 0/22,202 (0.00 percent)
Finished: The Eye of the World
Reading: Ancillary Justice, The Dream Cycle of H.P. Lovecraft
Added: A Trip to the Stars by Nicholas Christopher; The Lions of Al-Rassan by Guy Gavriel Kay; How Soccer Explains the World by Franklin Foer; Offside: Soccer and American Exceptionalism by Andrei Markovits 

Not included in the statistics of the plan is that I finished Infinite Jest, a leftover from Year Zero. The ending was infuriating; I had to Google "what happened at the end of Infinite Jest" to find the story that continued after the ending (which was actually a really cool scene), which was apparently buried in clues all through the 1,000 pages. 

I also finished The Eye of the World, which was also frustrating. The end felt like when I was in fourth grade and planned an epic story but tired of writing so came up with a shortcut for my characters. And so much of it felt like standard fantasy tropes. Some near the end felt halfway original, but I'm not enthusiastic right now about reading 13 more volumes.

I added four books. Two are recommendations from my wife; two are books I've already had on my shelves.

I'm ahead of my overall pace, but behind on my pace for the year; with the whale out of the way I feel good about my ability to plow through the plan, as long as I keep the commitment. 

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